We are proud of each of our graduates who have completed their Raven experiences and are empowered to change their world as adults. Riverfield graduates have moved on to universities and careers all over the country and we are honored to celebrate them. 

Tell us what's new in your life!

We'd love to know what Riverfield Alum are accomplishing in the world, personally and professionally. 

Tell us your story      Update your info


Changing Their World

Brandon Miller (’12)

Brandon Miller pursued a dual degree in Creative Advertising and Business Entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado. After graduating, he started his career as a graphic/web designer, and gained valuable experience at advertising and marketing agencies in Boulder, Washington DC, and Kansas City.

However, in 2019, he and his partner Lauren made a bold decision to embark on a new adventure, packing their lives into two suitcases and relocating to the other side of the world in Wellington, New Zealand. Read more .... 


Riverfield Alumni!

Join the Riverfield Alumni Association and tell us about your latest news so we can share your story. Email Alumni Coordinator, Lauren Holloman, with photos and info about what you are doing out in the world. 
Your membership will allow you to:

  • Join the exclusive Facebook group
  • Keep in touch with your fellow alumni
  • Attend Alumni-only events & have access to Alumni-only areas at RCDS events
  • Receive special deals and discounts on Riverfield merchandise and events attendance
  • Stay updated about news and happenings at RCDS